The journey of the Department of History started in 2015 with the introduction of Pass Course and Honours Course under the University of Burdwan. The intake capacity for the undergraduate programme Honours is Thirty one seats. The faculty members make every possible effort to meet all the expectations and solve the queries of the students pertaining to the curriculum as well as their personality development. The department takes great pride in the excellent results of the students in every semester under the CBCS system. The all round development of our students’ is an important goal of our teaching learning endeavour and studying history will provide the young minds with a more rounded academic skillset and an improved ability to think critically – something they can take into the rest of their education. The department continues to create an environment of igniting the minds of the learners through discourses on cutting-edge research in the discipline of history as well as newly-emerging interdisciplinary fields. In a modern world where inclusivity is embraced no matter our background, an understanding of how past societies have integrated is key to humanity improving in the future are the valuable lessons taught by the team of skilled personnel.
The Department looks forward to a future of intellectual exchange at home and abroad, and to promote a better understanding of human experience through the lens of history.
"1. বিধান রায়ের 'মানসকন্যা' কল্যাণীর জনজীবন
2. স্বপ্ননগরী কল্যাণী একটি কল্প কাহিনী
3. কল্যাণীর নগর পরিকল্পনায় পরিবেশভাবনা
4. পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনায় নগরায়ণ (১৯৫১-২০০১"
Details of Research project(s) undertaken (if any)
Number of Books / book chapter(s) published
Teaching Experience in Years
College(s) served since joining the service
Government General Degree College, Kalna - I
Topics taught recently
Evolution of human Society, ancient Greece, Roman Republic,Economic developments in Europe, Sultanate Period, Mughal Period, Rural Economy and Society, Renaissance and Reforms, Indian Freedom Movement,. The French Revolution & Europe,. Imperial Expansion